Blue Ridge Paranormal Society
The Hoffman Mansion
October 19, 2013
The Hoffman Mansion is located at 2632 Emmitsburg Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325.

The Hoffman Mansion is located on Emmitsburg Road next to the Eisenhower Conference Center. The mansion sits near the approximate location of Pickett's Charge and was used as a field hospital for the Union Army during and after the Charge. The Mansion is known for the presence of orbs near the front parlor of the home where most of the operations were performed. It has been reported that the doctor in charge still haunts that room. Additionally, the Hoffman's daughter, reportedly over mistaken gossip about here fiancé's fidelity, hung herself in the attic. Her presence is known to haunt that space and frequently makes herself known.
Blue Ridge Paranormal Society (BRPS) team attended an Extreme Ghost Hunt that is provided by Gettysburg Ghost Tours which highlights the Hoffman Mansion. The MPI team joined colleagues and friends (Jim and Laurie) from S.M.A.R.T Investigations for this investigation.
The BRPS and S.M.A.R.T. Investigation teams obtained photos with orbs and EVPs during that investigation. The first orb was found in the basement of the Hoffman Mansion. Two photos of the exterior of the mansion contained numerous orbs. The two photos in question were on the right side of the property and is where body parts were disregarded after painful amputations.

A single orb was found in the bottom right of the photo. It appears to be in motion from the right towards the left.

This photo was taken at the exterior of the Hoffman Mansion. It shows numerous orbs. Furthermore, there is a single orb in motion in the bottom right of the photo.

This photo was taken at the exterior of the Hoffman Mansion. It shows numerous orbs.
S.M.A.R.T. Investigations analysed the audio recordings used during this investigation. S.M.A.R.T Investigations found the following nine EVPs.
All photos, audio, and video are the property of the Blue Ridge Paranormal Society.
Unless other wise noted.